One of the most significant changes in online poker has been the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to the indefinite closure of most live gaming venues worldwide. Many unlicensed gaming venues have closed, leaving fewer options for casual players to enjoy live poker games. As a result, many operators have experienced double or even triple the volume of traffic compared to the previous year. Many people are now turning to online poker to fill this gap.
Regardless of the size of your bankroll, online poker can still be fun and rewarding. As long as you follow a few basic guidelines, online poker is the way to go. First, make sure you’re an adult. This rule is applicable to all sites, including poker rooms. It’s important to make sure you’re at least 18 years old, the legal gambling age in your jurisdiction, and are aware that some sites may require you to prove your age before depositing funds.
As mentioned, online poker is easy to play and does not require a lot of expertise. Many people play online poker without thinking about it, and it’s not necessary to be an expert to enjoy the game and make good money. In fact, playing online poker has several advantages over live play, and a few disadvantages. But, once you’re comfortable with the game and learn the rules, you’ll be a pro in no time.